Eternally Nomadic

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Green with Holiday Envy

Dress: Atlantic Pacific x Halogen. Shoes: Target (similar here). Blazer: Ralph Lauren. Necklace: Old.

Hey there! I know I’ve been MIA for a while, but I’ve been busy at work. I wish I had a better excuse but that’s the reality of it. Also, my trusted photographer moved away to L.A. for greener pastures and I simply haven’t had a chance to blog. But alas, here we are. I’ll do my best to pop in now and then. Also, alcoholidays are here! As they’re in full swing, I’m in need of more dresses in my repertoire for all the holiday parties. I feel like red is so over and done with that we need to move into other colors, like emerald and jewel toned greens. When I saw that Atlantic-Pacific was coming out with her own line, this dress just spoke volumes to me. Perfect to dress up and down (to Court in my case). Let the season of running in sparkly dresses commence!